Mowbray Lodge No.5373

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Masonry and in particular Mowbray Lodge on tour.
Rak Bhalla
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Masonry and in particular Mowbray Lodge on tour.

Monday 16th September saw me at a loose end whilst visiting family in Hong Kong and so I took the opportunity to visit Corinthian Lodge of Amoy No.1806 meeting at the wonderful Zetland Masonic Hall in Kennedy Road. Having first gained permission via our Provincial Grand Secretary and the United Grand Lodge of England, I got in touch with WBro Terry Hicks, Secretary of Corinthian Lodge to arrange the visit. WBro Terry organised the visit and although he could not be there himself on the evening, ample arrangements were made for me, and I received the warmest of Masonic welcomes.

I was introduced to the Worshipful Master WBro Banks Chan and members of his team and took a selfie before the meeting with them. The photo shows me, Bro’s Alex Luk (SW) and Derek Sum (JW), WBro Chan and Asst Sec WBro Robert Gordon.

The business of the evening was a Second Degree ceremony to Pass Brother Nathan de Lin Chiu and what a magnificent ceremony it was too. The ceremony was conducted by the WM and he was assisted by the Light Blues in the Lodge. Brother Yeung the SD was exemplary in the way he conducted the candidate whilst Bro Shum the JW presented a faultless Second Degree Tracing Board. The newer Brethren in the Lodge were all magnificent in their ritual and it made such a difference to the Candidate to know that they cared so much about him that they really took the time to ensure he had a wonderful experience. Infact, I can't remember WBro Ben Wong the DC having to prompt at all during the meeting.

Following the meeting we retired to a sumptuous Festive Board of Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese with Dill roll on a bed of Celeriac followed by Beef with roasted noodles and then dessert. I had the pleasure of replying to the toast to the Visitors whilst at the end of the evening, a number of Brethren stayed behind for further bonding. 

All in all a wonderful visit and I see a great future for the Lodge with the young men they have coming through their ranks well supported by their more senior Brethren. Thank you, Corinthian Lodge of Amoy, for a great night.

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