Rak Bhalla / 18 November 2018 / Categories: Celebrations, Meetings Royal Arch News - Provincial Full Team Visit to our Chapter of Strict Benevolence No97 The November meeting of Chapter of Strict Benevolence No. 97 , was a special occasion for its members with a Full Provincial team Visit led by the newly appointed Grand Superintendent, John Arthur. This was John’s first Chapter Full Team Visit since his installation on 6thOctober 2018. Accompanying the Grand Superintendent, in the 28 strong Deputation were the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Michael Stuart Shaw, the Past Deputy Grand Superintendent Paul Paterson, the Second Provincial Grand Principal, Andrew Charles Moule, the Past Second Provincial Grand Principal Gordon Brewis, the Third Provincial Grand Principal, Paul Anthony Lee Hopper, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Principals Rakesh Bhalla and Nigel Foster. After the Provincial Deputation had been warmly welcomed into the Chapter Room, John was introduced to the Chapter’s First Principals; John Alan Rafter, First Principal, Nigel Graeme O`Brien-Bird Second Principal and Malcolm MacDougall standing in as the Third Principal for the evening. In a change to the normal Full Team Visit format, the main business of the evening had the Provincial Deputation, singing for their supper with a “Getting to know you- the Provincial Team” presentation. John stepped forward and introduced the evening’s presentation. As this was his first Chapter Full Team Visit, it afforded him with an excellent opportunity to firstly introduce himself, the new Provincial Team and to share his ideas and ethos for the Province going forward into the future. John then handed over to the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Michael Stuart Shaw, who introduced himself and gave a brief history of his masonic career/journey. He then gave some outline to his role in the Province and how he wishes to develop the Royal Arch in the Province and highlight some of the new initiatives which will help to develop this. The Talking Heads Presentation developed by himself from a playlet first delivered by Supreme Grand Chapter has proved an excellent and stimulating aid to increasing awareness and membership of the Royal Arch, with an engaging question and answer session at the end of each presentation. Michael then in turn introduced the Full Provincial Deputation with each member standing up and introducing themselves to the Companions present and giving a brief introduction to themselves. On the completion of this, a questions and answers format allowed some positive feedback to the new initiative. John closed the presentation, by thanking everyone present and all of the Deputation for taking part in an interesting evening. John then asked Paul Paterson to come forward saying that the evening allowed him the ideal opportunity to thank Paul for all of his work and service as the Deputy Grand Superintendent. John then had the great pleasure in presenting Paul with a Past Deputy Grand Superintendent collarette and jewel that Paul graciously excepted. First Principal, John Rafter , then had the great pleasure of presenting John Arthur with a cheque for £100 for the Durham 2021 Festival. John thanked him and the Companions for their generosity and praised them for the warmth of their welcome and being excellent hosts. Previous Article Ordination of Senior Past Master Paul Paterson as Reverend Next Article 50 Years of Membership for our much loved Senior Past Master Alexander Wordingham Print 6494 Please login or register to post comments.