Rak Bhalla / Thursday, October 21, 2021 / Categories: Celebrations, Installations Rak Bhalla Installed as 3rd Provincial Grand Principal in the Royal Arch Mowbray Lodge delighted as our very own WBro Rak Bhalla is Installed as 3rd Provincial Grand Principal at a special meeting of the Chapter of Strict Benevolence No97 A Provincial Deputation led by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, John Arthur, attended a special meeting of the Chapter of Strict Benevolence, No97, who meet at The Wearside Masonic Hall in Sunderland. The reason for this visit was quite unique, as it was to obligate, invest and appoint Paul Anthony Lee Hopper as the new Second Provincial Grand Principal, and Dr Rakesh Bhalla, a Companion of Strict Benevolence, as the Third Provincial Grand Principal.After Taking the Chair from Clive Alan Perry, John firstly conducted the investiture of Paul Anthony Lee Hopper as the Second Provincial Grand Principal, before presenting Paul with his chain of office. He then proceeded to invest Dr Rakesh Bhalla as the Third Provincial Grand Principal, before also presenting Rakesh with his chain of office.Once the business of the evening was concluded in the Chapter room, everyone retired to the dining room for an excellent four course meal at the festive board.After the toast to the Provincial Grand Superintendent, John Arthur responded by saying that to his knowledge, this evening had been a unique occasion, investing both the Second and Third Grand Principals at a regular Chapter meeting. More importantly, John thanked both Paul and Rakesh for all the work they have done for the Province over the years, and their appointments tonight were as a result of that. However, he also warned that the hard work was just about to begin now that they are both members of John’s newly shaped Executive Team.Finally, in reply to the toast to the Provincial Officers, Rak responded by thanking everyone for making this a special night for both him and Paul as the new Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals, concluding by saying that they look forward to the tasks John will be giving them in the near future. Previous Article WBro Octavian Lazin, Worshipful Master of Mowbray Lodge Next Article Den Wilson Print 4564 Please login or register to post comments.