Mowbray Lodge No.5373

Once Upon a Time...


About Mowbray Lodge

We are a diverse Lodge with members from all walks of life and all ages. The breadth of youth, experience and cultures makes for a vibrant, fulfilling, and happy experience. We have a strong core of Senior Past Masters and senior members who proactively support our newer members who are keen to learn. We pride ourselves on our ritual, delivered with skill, to make for an interesting and fulfilling evening.

We have been members of the Universities Scheme since 2008, opening Freemasonry to Sunderland University, and we have had interest from students, staff, and alumni since then. Former students and staff have now become senior members within the Lodge, and we look forward to supporting them and watching them grow. Our membership does not however, only come from the Universities Scheme and we welcome all enquiries.

You will find us committed to ensuring that the membership can develop as Masons, in whatever way they choose, facilitated by strong friendships, pride in our reputation and our commitment to Freemasonry.


Annual Installation Meeting

  Join us on 06/11/2024 for an 18.30 start when we shall be Installing WBro. Martin Lawson as Worshipful Master.

   We can guarantee a great Masonic evening. 
   If you plan to dine please email with your intentions.
   Meeting to be held at Wearside Masonic Hall, Burdon Road, Sunderland. SR2 7BH






Welcome to Mowbray Lodge. We are a diverse Lodge with members from all walks of life and ages. The breadth of youth, experience and cultures makes for a vibrant, fulfilling, and happy experience. If you are interested in joining us we will pleased to hear from you.

Contact us at                                               

Universites Scheme


We have been members of the Universities Scheme since 2008, opening up Freemasonry to Sunderland University, and we have had interest from students, staff and alumni since then. Former students and staff have now become senior members within the Lodge, and we look forward to supporting them and watching them grow. Find out more >>>>>      


Royal Arch


The Craft gives its members practical rules by which they can live their lives whilst the Royal Arch leads the candidate from the practical to the spiritual hence The Royal Arch is the culmination of "Pure Ancient Masonry". A fascinating journey of self- knowledge and self - discovery beginning with the Entered Apprentice degree and culminating in the First Principal's chair of the Chapter. To find out more about this colourful degree ask your Royal Arch Rep or click here >>>>>


Flying the flag for Mowbray Lodge and Durham Freemasons
Rak Bhalla
/ Categories: Meetings

Flying the flag for Mowbray Lodge and Durham Freemasons

 Our Worshipful Master Odin Taylor and WBro Martin Lawson attended the September 2024 Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. This was the first occasion in which Master Masons were allowed to attend other than only Masters and Wardens. To mark the occasion the Provincial Grand Master of Durham invited as many Durham Masons as were able to attend and we did him proud in that 103 Masons from the Province heeded his call including Sunderland Masons. The Mowbray Brethren were joined by Brethren from Civic Lodge and it was a great opportunity to make new friends and to bond.

The main highlight of the QC was a talk by our own Provincial Grand Master John Thompson on the Armed Forces Covenant. He talked about how we can support our Veterans in the here and now as individuals, as a Province and, looking to the future, nationally. A stirring presentation appreciated by all present.

The Pro Grand Master then gave his address and talked about future venues for Quarterly Communications to be held around the country to make it accessible to all Masons and that in future, the March and September QC’s will run on the same format as the current meeting. He also informed us of the establishment of the Council for Freemasonry for England and Wales following a groundbreaking joint statement issued in June by both the Women’s Orders of Freemasonry and the United Grand Lodge of England confirming the continued co-operation and co-ordination on matters of common interest but emphasising neither we nor they wished this to extend to our work within our Lodges.I am sure I do not need to repeat what has already been said, but I will for absolute clarity for all our members, this development does not and will not mean that our Lodges will merge or do joint working, quite the contrary. He finished by saying

"Brethren, you have often heard me speak of the importance of the fundamental and shared ideals of liberty, tolerance, a meritocratic society and constitutional government which underpin Freemasonry, which remarkably came to prominence during the 18th Century, a time of uncertainty, strife, turmoil and numerous wars, so much for progress Brethren! In our own time, there are clear tensions within societies throughout the world, economic and social challenges,  as well as geopolitical conflicts and wars. These ideals remain as relevant today, if not more so than they were in the 18th Century, although they are under constant attack from some. 

Events in this country over the summer emphasise the need for us to be firm in demonstrating our values of Integrity, Respect, Friendship and Service, in what we do as individual Freemasons, as well as collectively as members of our Lodges or Chapters, when engaging in service in our own communities. It is essential we display our values by our actions all the time so we demonstrate the contribution of Freemasons and Freemasonry to the society in which we live and of which we are an integral part, as evidenced by the vast majority of Provinces having entered into the Armed Forces covenant of which we heard earlier from RW Bro John Thompson."

The Brethren then retired to a Festive Board in the Connaught Rooms after which came the customary visit to the George and the Shakespeare’s Head for after dinner drinks. Well done all for supporting the QC.

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